
FW: The spreadsheet

From: David Lent [dslent30@msn.com]
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 7:22 PM
To: Mayor Village; Village Clerk
Subject: FW: The spreadsheet

From: dslent30@msn.com
To: yalescribe@att.net
Subject: RE: The spreadsheet
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 13:51:54 -0400

Ross, Can't ever thank you enough.  Please also copy Carol Connolly, Susan'a secretary, as she runs all the copies and this means that we don't have to wait for Susan to forward it to her.

Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 15:06:09 -0700
From: yalescribe@att.net
Subject: The spreadsheet
To: dslent30@msn.com

Hi, Dave. 
We did two solid work periods on the spreadsheet (me, Sally Rhoads and Nancy Branco) on Thursday and Friday, revising it to accord with what the Subcommittee decided in the prior meetings, and I think you'll agree it is now in much better shape. 
I have been implementing your suggestions and corrections, as well.  Nancy said that the three-digit Budget Codes are control codes (more like a scratch sheet showing dollar amounts in categories at a moment in time), but are not required for budgeting (planning for and tracking expenditures and revenue).  Nonetheless, I've revised my spreadsheet to include all those B Codes you mentioned, and will fill CY 2011 numbers in the blanks.  If you prefer, Nancy said we can show them in a traditional balance sheet.
You'll find the spreadsheet now includes numbers from the Town's Highway Budgets (DA and DB), on the same line as the similar Codes for Town A, Town B, and Village.

I also decided to give Revenues and Expenditures separate pages in the spreadsheet.  I expect to finish my work later today and circulate the latest draft this evening.
Can we ask whoever produced those excellent large color printouts for the Subcommittee to get a fresh set ready for Monday's meeting?

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