
Begin forwarded message:
From: Susan Zimet <supervisorzimet@townofnewpaltz.org>
Date: February 1, 2013, 2:06:03 PM EST
To: 'Mayor Village' <Mayor@villageofnewpaltz.org>

From: sally rhoads [mailto:sallymrhoads@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 8:18 PM
To: David Lent
Cc: susan zimit; IRA MARGOLIS; nancy branco; Ross Pollack; sally rhoads

Hello Everyone,

I think we are in terrific shape for Wed.

Everything looks very good from a data standpoint. I went over the numbers with Nancy this am and Dave was right about not removing the tax for DA DB from his calculations as he did with the tax on the general funds. Our charts(spreadsheets) are correct however as they are a revenue. 

Now as to preparations: Susan and I are meeting at 7 to hang the blowups up. I have the poster putty.
                                   Dave and Ross are meeting Wed. afternoon to set up the projector

                                   We need to make copies of all the materials for the press and public. Susan has had Carol make up large spreadsheets for the Boards.

                                    Who is copying the 50+ copies and putting packets together? I am available to help do it tomorrow afternoon. Just let me know where and when.

                                    My dear husband proofed the report and found some typos. I will correct them and send it out.
                                    The Village agenda has two items on it which will be handled first at 7:30 after public input. We are the 3rd item so we don't need to worry about comments on our report to begin with.

If any board member asks why they did not receive the material a head of time, I think Susan or I should  respond that we did not send it ahead as we would like to have done, because we did not want community members serving on our committee to be victims of harsh attack. Our agreed upon protocol was that all reports are made to the joint boards and the reports should not be the subject of public criticism by one board member except at the Board table.

Anything else? I am very proud of us. I think we have strong and convincing evidence that consolidation is the only way for NP.


On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 6:30 PM, David Lent <dslent30@msn.com> wrote:
To All:  I screwed up or at least misinterpreted the master spread sheet on revenues. I had thought the last item  Town Highway DA+ DB Funds did not include taxes. It does. The question in my mind is whether the tax line A1001 as well as A1090 and possible other lines include dollars that are also in that line.
    However, to be sure I have the correct data I've gone back to the source documents and prepared new rate change charts.  There are BIG CHANGES. Also have had to pick up info on the fire district taxes and expenditures in the Town. This is complicated as obviously the Town made one payment in their calendar year and the village received two payments in their year. I hope there weren't other such problems.
        However have redone the tax sheets #1 and # 5. Number 5  had the correct data, but it was very confusing.

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