
letter, kt tobin to chris marx

KT Tobin (former Vice President, New Paltz School Board) to Chris Marx Highway Superintendant

I have some questions about the T/V New Paltz consolidation study HR and Finance reports. It is my understanding that as elected Town of New Paltz Highway Superintendent you participated in and contributed to these committees and made recommendations that were included in their final reports.

A. In the HR report, from page 4, section I, item D:

  1. What was the basis for this statement? "Based on input from department heads, council persons  and others the committee has been advised that as many as 13 full time positions can be eliminated with many of these positions coming from buildings and grounds."
  2. How many positions did you recommend be eliminated from the town highway department?
  3. Please provide both the workload and safety analysis that provided the basis for making this recommendation to reduce your staff
  4. Please provide your assessment of the potential impacts on service delivery, e.g. how much longer it will take to plow all the roads in a typical snow storm
  5. Please provide your assessment of the impact of these recommendations on worker morale and fair collective bargaining practices.
  6. Please provide the timeline that you constructed in order to implement the proposed reduction in staffing

B. In the HR report, from page 9, section III, item 2 reads, "Employee head count reductions should coincide with retirement to the extent possible" (italics added).

  1. Did you recommend this strategy?
  2. Which positions from your answer above (1b) did you recommend be reduced via retirement?
  3. Which positions did you foresee reducing via other means and what were those means?

C.  In the HR report, from page 9, section III, item 3 recommends transitioning to a part-time staff to reduce health care and retirement costs

  1. Did you recommend this strategy?
  2. How many positions did you recommend be transitioned to part-time positions?
  3. Which positions from your answer above (1b) did you recommend be transitioned to part-time via retirement of full-time workers?
  4. Which positions did you foresee transitioning to part-time via other means and what were those means?
  5. Please provide both the workload and safety implications for this type of staffing more reliant on a part-time workforce.
  6. Please provide your assessment of the potential impact on service delivery based on staffing more reliant more part-time workers, e.g. how much longer it will take to plow all the roads in a typical snow storm
  7. Please provide your assessment of the impact of these recommendations on worker morale and fair collective bargaining practices.
  8. Please provide the timeline that you constructed to implement the proposed transition in staffing

D. From the Finance report data on public works departments:

  • $2,699,936 Total town + village budget
  • $2,179,859 Merged budget
  • $ 520,077 Savings

  1. How was the savings of $520,777 derived? Please provide an itemized list with associated savings including positions, materials, etc.
  2. Please provide both the workload and safety analysis behind your recommendations included in the $520,777 reduction.
  3. Please provide your assessment of impact on service delivery that will result from your recommendations, e.g. how much longer it will take to plow all the roads in a typical snow storm.
  4. Please provide the timeline that you constructed to implement the proposed savings.

Thank you for serving New Paltz.

I look forward to your prompt response.

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