
HR email: Marx, Kerr, Cohen, Leverette, Barry, Pollack 11-28, 11-30, 12-6,12-7,12-9, 12-10-12

From: info.highways <info.highways@townofnewpaltz.org>
To: r.lev <r.lev@outlook.com>
Cc: Donpaltz <Donpaltz@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Nov 28, 2012 1:48 pm
Subject: Human Resources meeting

Hi all,
Don’t know if you are the ones I need to talk to, would it be possible to be put on the list for future meetings. I showed up with half my crew and the camera guy only to find out the meeting was canceled. My computer is broke again but I still get Email at highways@townofnewpaltz.org
Ps thank you for what your doing,

Chris Marx
New Paltz Highway Department

On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:18 PM, <Donpaltz@aol.com> wrote:


My reply, speaking for myself and not the committee, to Chris Marx below.

I am in favor of another meeting of our committee.


From: donpaltz@aol.com
To: info.highways@townofnewpaltz.org
Sent: 11/30/2012 11:39:54 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Re: Human Resources meeting

November 30, 2012

Dear Chris,

Writing this note personally, and not as a representative of any committee, board or council.

Wanted to take a moment to extend a personal apology to you and the members of your staff. Due to a last minute decision to postpone and poor communication, your time was wasted last Tuesday evening.

The purpose of the meeting was to have cleared up some of the rumors going around and to make sure that staff had been properly respected and given every chance to provide input to the HR committee and its report. In light of some inflammatory e-mails sent in the days prior to the scheduled meeting, the majority of the HR subcommittee felt that the atmosphere was not right to meet. The meeting was postponed over my objection, but I take personal responsibility for the lack of direct communication with you regarding that decision. My apology extends fully to your team.

There has been a lot of emotion and confusion regarding the HR subcommittee of the Consolidation study, which has led to avoidable stress for your team.

The Fairweather report stated that no current employees of the Town or Village would be affected by proposed headcount reductions; and our subcommittee has always worked within that model. Any headcount reductions were to be seen in the future, as positions opened up due to retirement and the normal turnover that occurs anywhere.

Looking over the subcommittee report, the report fails to repeat the promise about current staff and current positions being off limits. It is easy, looking back now, to see how failing to clearly repeat Fairweather’s promise in writing as part of the HR report was a major oversight resulting in unnecessary stress for you, your team and other municipal employees.

Please reassure your team that there are no reductions at all envisioned or suggested that relate to any current employees of the Town or Village.

Don Kerr

On Dec 6, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Amy Cohen <amyblueberry@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello. If the committee would like to meet again I will be happy to second Don's request & meet. However; I will be out of town w/ my family 12/17-1/8. If you decide to meet when I am away it is fine w/ me. However, I will be happy to attend & participate. I would like to know if the committee is in favor of meeting. PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS REQUEST & PLEASE REMEMBER to PRESS ALL to your reply as I am sure EVERYBODY on our committee would like to hear from you!!!
THANK YOU!!! looking forward to everyone's REPLY.

From: Randall Leverette <r.lev@outlook.com>
To: Amy Cohen <amyblueberry@gmail.com>
Cc: Donpaltz <Donpaltz@aol.com>; kevinbarrylaw <kevinbarrylaw@yahoo.com>; yalescribe <yalescribe@att.net>; briankimbiztrustee <briankimbiztrustee@gmail.com>
Sent: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 7:31 pm
Subject: Re: Human Resources meeting

i'm game to meet to bring this to closure.

Randall Leverette

From: "donpaltz@aol.com" <donpaltz@aol.com>
To: r.lev@outlook.comamyblueberry@gmail.com
Cc: kevinbarrylaw@yahoo.comyalescribe@att.net;briankimbiztrustee@gmail.com
Sent: Fri, December 7, 2012 9:31:54 AM

Subject: Re: Human Resources meeting


If Ross & Brian are game to meet, how about Monday 12/12?


On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 11:59 AM, <yalescribe@att.net> wrote:

Hi, Don,

I am game to meet, but 12/12 conflicts with a Finance Subcommittee meeting. I could do it later next week, but might have to do so by phone (as with Finance), as my health issues keep flaring up.


On Dec 9, 2012, at 8:53 AM, "Amy Cohen" <amyblueberry@gmail.com> wrote:

i am available 12/10 (Monday) tomorrow-if all is game?
if we can't get a "regular" meeting room/video-grapher on such short notice-perhaps we should consider having our meeting & having some dinner @ the same time.......
dinner meeting- we could draft our press release & add any amendments to our report.
just an idea folks.
Thank You!

From: Randall Leverette <r.lev@outlook.com>
To: Amy Cohen <amyblueberry@gmail.com>
Cc: "yalescribe@att.net" <yalescribe@att.net>; "donpaltz@aol.com" <donpaltz@aol.com>; "kevinbarrylaw@yahoo.com" <kevinbarrylaw@yahoo.com>; Brian Kimbiz <briankimbiztrustee@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Human Resources meeting

I'm in for Monday, just let me know where and what time.

From: kevinbarrylaw@yahoo.com
To: r.lev@outlook.com, amyblueberry@gmail.com, donpaltz@aol.com,yalescribe@att.net, briankimbiz@gmail.com
Sent: 12/9/2012 3:35:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: Re: Human Resources meeting

I will see if Town Hall is available tomorrow. Kevin

From: kevinbarrylaw@yahoo.com

To: amyblueberry@gmail.com, briankimbiz@gmail.com, donpaltz@aol.com,r.lev@outlook.com, yalescribe@att.net

Sent: 12/10/2012 10:14:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time

Subj: (no subject)

Town Hall is available tonight from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

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