From: sally rhoads []
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 8:15 PM
To:;;; Nancy Branco; Susan E. Zimet
Cc: Bleu Terwilliger; Heather Nielson; Superintendent of Highways
Subject: DPW budget
To:;;; Nancy Branco; Susan E. Zimet
Cc: Bleu Terwilliger; Heather Nielson; Superintendent of Highways
Subject: DPW budget
Hello All,
Bleu, Chris, Susan and I had a very good and enlightening meeting regarding our finance consolidated budget project.
Without going into great detail Bleu and Chris recommended and we all agreed the best way to approach this was to use the total 2011 actuals and come up with a total DPW/Building figure. Then compare these figures to the Villages 2012-13 DPW/Building budget total and the proposed total 2013 Town budget. We decided not to break out code categories, but rather use a total. Suffice it to say many $ were in odd places in past town budgets- the best being Spring cleanup was in the Supervisor's line. No one told Susan when she ran that her job description included donning the overalls for Spring cleanup. I can tell you Chris and Susan must have spent an inordinate amount of time finding budget lines and putting allocations in their proper places. Thank you both. And thank you Bleu and Nancy for the great job you do.
So I have compiled the figures accordingly, but we recommend just using one figure called DPW/Building. This means Ross our going back and pulling anything we have in the spreadsheets related to this.
Chris and Bleu I am going to list the categories and code # that I used. I have included personnel, equipment and contractual, if applicable, for all the categories I list. If a category is in both budgets such as snow removal I have put a T/V, if only Village a V and if only Town aT. Will you both be so kind as to check me and make sure I didn't miss a category that belongs in. Likewise, that I did not include something that does not belong.
Bleu I included storm sewers in our total, but Chris I could not find anything, but a special fund called drainage so I included no $ amount for the Town.
I just did Town vs. Village as opposed to showing A/B Town, A highway or B highway
Categories I included: 16201,4 Building T/V 81401,4 Storm Sewers V
16401,2,4 Garage T/V 81701,4 St. cleaning T/V
33101 Traffic control T/V 711101,4 Rail trail T/V
50101,4 St. Administration T/V 365004 Demolition of unsafe buildig T
51101,4 Maintenance of StreetsT/V 51201,4 Bridges T
51421,2,4 Snow Removal 51122 Perm Improvements T
54101,4 Sidewalks V 51301,2,4 Machinery
71101,4 Parks T/V 51401 brush and weeds T
88101 Cemetery T
Village 2011 Town 2011 Total 2011 TV Merged Savings
Actual Actual
624,330 2,075,606 2,699,936 2,179,859 $520,077 (Yeah and Congrats Chris and Susan !)
The 2012-13 Village budget is 497107, The proposed Town 2013 budget is 1,682,752. The difference from total 2011 is the savings above.
See you all tomorrow night and again thank you Bleu and Chris for your help and guidance.
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